How to Buy the Best Baby & Toddler Shoes: From Crib to Walking

How to Buy the Best Baby & Toddler Shoes: From Crib to Walking | Sophias Style

The moment to choose your baby’s first shoes is here. It's a wonderful phase of your life as a parent, but it can also become a hard one. You need to decide what shoes are the best to protect, support , fit well & be comfortable for your baby. And why not, look cute!

Of course, you're after the perfect experience for your baby’s first steps. And for that, you need to pick the right shoes.

Keep on reading & learn which baby shoes are the best for each of your baby’s phase and age: for when he’s in the crib, to crawling, learning to walk, and finally, walking and running around like a little bee!

Should a baby wear shoes?

Does your baby really need shoes? How important are they? This is the most common question asked by parents.

Although getting your baby first pair of shoes could be exciting, don’t hurry to go shopping. Even though baby shoes are important in protecting the baby’s feet, they are not necessary for the early months when the baby is in the crib or the stroller.