Partnering with

Partnering with us

Thank you for your interest in working with us! Here’s some information about our company and how working with us would benefit you:

• gets approximately 400.000 visits and over 2 million page views each month
• Our system generates over 120.000 orders on a yearly basis and our products are viewed by an estimated 9 million customers and these numbers have been growing consistently.
• Over 230.000 customers are signed up to receive email promotions from us and that number grows by ~2000 subscribers each week.
• We’re actively investing in paid ads on social media and search engines to promote our vendors and their products.
• We currently work with over 100 different vendors and that number is increasing at a very fast pace

Building sales and awareness:
By selling through, your company has the opportunity to garner new sales as well as invaluable brand recognition. Drop shipping also allows both of our companies a risk free way to see how our customers will react to your product lines. All we require of new vendors is accurate inventory update and punctual shipping of orders.

Once we receive your product information we will:
- create all the listings with unique titles, descriptions and selling points;
- if necessary, perfect product images;
- handle any and all customer service, returns, exchanges;
- promote your brand via social media, on our site and in our promotions emails.

To get started we need the following information about your products:
- Style Numbers, Sizes, Colors and Cost
- Images
- MSRP – if requested
- UPCs – if available

Updating Inventory and Accessing Orders
To keep track of your product availability and orders, we will set up a simple portal where you can login download and print shipping labels and packing slips. We will set up a short training session with you to show you how to use the portal before any of your products go live. We’ll follow your development daily in the first months and help you achieve the best results possible.

First Orders
As soon as your products are uploaded you will start receiving orders. For each order you get you will receive an email notification. Processing 1 or 100 orders is done within seconds in the portal with 3 easy clicks. With one click you download all the prepaid shipping labels, with another click you get the packing slips and with a third click you mark all the orders as shipped so that they show up on your weekly statement. At the end of each week you will receive a sales statement and you will be authorized to charge us for that amount.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us:

New Vendor Form
Brand Name: ________________________________________________________
Company Name: _____________________________________________________
Website: ___________________________________________________________
Contact Name: ______________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________________________________________________
Fax: _______________________________________________________________
Email: _____________________________________________________________
Secondary Contact Name: _____________________________________________
Email: _____________________________________________________________
Business Address: ____________________________________________________
City: _________________State:____________________ Zip: _________________
How many business days do you need to ship an order: ______________________