Is Momma working from home while the kiddos are home?

Remember when riding your bike around the neighborhood, playing tag, kicking the can or pick up games were fun pastimes? Well, seems gone is the day of simple pleasures like these.
Catch up to today where the average child from 8-18 is on electronics (phone, TV, iPad, games, etc.) 50+ hours a week. Research shows that kids who overuse electronics are extra disrespectful, sleep deprived, numb to violence, more aggressive and the list goes on.
Getting kids to ease up on electronics is tricky. But teaching them the fun we had as kids will be memories you together won’t forget.
Here are some tips to minimize media in your family…
Keep a log of media use (find trouble zones)
Limit electronics use (time per day)
Coupon earning for media use (chores, reading)
Establish media free zones (meals, bedtime)
Media free time each day (meals, family time)
Media FREE DAY (have fun together!)
Fun Activities List!
Fun Activities to get your kiddos started...
Outside games - Make inventions - Card games - Craft projects
Family Game Night - Camera Photo Adventure - Picnic